Article 04: Bionics: Where will humans end, and machines begin?

by Dan Amarasinghe
Commodore at brains+cheek
December 2024

Robocop and the T-800

Growing up, robot action movies were part of my staple diet. Remember Robocop? The Terminator series? Especially Part 2; the sequel to end all sequels, where T-800 slugs it out with T-1000? What about Van Damme’s Cyborg? Yeah, I’d forgotten about that one too, but as a kid, I used to love the gore!

In the pre-Marvel/superhero era, these were the movies that allowed us to imagine transcending our physical form, fantasise about superhuman strength, seemingly endless stamina and invincibility, and to dream of emerging victorious against our playground bullies.

At the time, real-life prosthetic technology was still at a rudimentary stage. While it did serve a vital purpose in providing somewhat improved mobility, and allowing patients to live lives closer to what they once had, it was limited to limb replacement that prioritised ‘normal’ appearance over optimal function.

And then came modern
science and engineering

Fast forward to today, and the bionics landscape looks drastically different.

We find ourselves on the precipice of potential breakthroughs that suddenly make Robocop look rudimentary!

It’s no longer Hollywood shaping our imagination, science and engineering provides this inspiration. Hollywood has taken note, as we can see from story lines that more closely reflect our newly expected near future, such as in the film The Creator.

We’re not quite there yet…

Before getting carried away, let’s take a look at where we are today. The biomechanics of current prosthetics already provide greater dynamism of movement than previous iterations. More crucially though, new devices enable autonomy for their user, through Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs). Such systems work by translating neural signals from the brain into commands that control external equipment, such as a prosthetic arm. They do this in two ways:

1) Electroencephalography (EEG) – sensors placed on the surface of the scalp. Less invasive for sure, but not exactly convenient or indeed discreet!

2) Implanted Neural Electrodes (INEs) – This does what it says on the tin: an implant direct to the brain, which captures signals from specific motor or sensor regions. That’s every bit as cool as it sounds, but is also invasive and frankly, quite scary.

The captured brain signals are analysed and decoded, using machine learning algorithms to interpret the user’s intention. These decoded signals are then transmitted to the prosthetic limb, instructing it to carry out a particular action, such as giving a high five.

…But we’re pretty damn close!

Prosthetics limbs now allow users greater sensory perception such as texture and temperature

If you thought translating brain waves to prosthetic motion was amazing, think about this. Modern bionics is no longer just about mobility. The latest systems are also able to provide sensory (tactile and temperature) feedback to the user. Further still, bionics are no longer limited to limb replacement. We are increasingly seeing an ability to restore other lost functions, such as vision and hearing, as well as plans to improve memory, focus and computational skills via brain-computer interfaces. Watch out, Robocop!

The future is integrated

Engineers use polymers and hydrogels that act as safe interface between hardware and biological tissue

Where things get REALLY interesting
is the direct integration of biological
tissue with machinery.

Engineers use materials such as polymers and hydrogels that can interface with biological tissue without adverse effects. These materials are used to create cell scaffolding (artificial structures that mimic the natural structures around cells, for cells to grow and organise around). Engineers then integrate these with digital systems, enabling direct communication between devices and the nervous system, providing the user with more accurate control and sensory experience.

Engineers are taking integration a further step forward with vascular integration, which ensures blood supply to engineered tissues. This is seen as critical for the long-term survival and functionality of the bionic prosthetic.

Tissue engineering takes us further still from the days of static prosthetic limbs, where things like cardiovascular repair become possible. Imagine tissue-engineered cardiac patches, infused with electronic sensors that can repair damaged heart tissue following a heart attack. This kind of approach speaks to a truly tailored healthcare provision that better preserves the human form and moves away from full-scale replacement of body parts, which has the potential to become de-humanising.

Social and cultural implications

Blurring of the bio-mechanical line will force us to reconsider what it means to be human

As the future approaches, we inevitably enter a new humanitarian epoch that will require rethinking and redefining of what ‘normal’ human physiology is...

Where do humans end,
and machines begin?

Bionics as part of prosthetics will no longer just be about mitigating disabilities and supporting individuals to regain lost mobility, but also a means to outpace our biomechanical limitations. It will reshape cultural norms and public policy about what ‘normal’ ability and disability means, both in everyday life, and in sports and entertainment.

As I write this, I’m excited about what awaits us on the horizon, yet, while I marvel and revel at the possibilities that bionics can bring, I can’t help but feel a sense of caution. As I consider the possibility that the threats posed by cyborgs in our childhood movies may come to pass at the behest of some ascending autocrat in the near future, I wonder whether we should pump the breaks a little.

On second thought, maybe my hesitance is unfounded? Dangerous even? After all, who’s going to fight the autonomous AI bots when they finally arrive? We must be prepared!!

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